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Tax relief on employing a carer ?

Tax relief on employing a carer ?

Tax relief on employing a carer ?

You may claim tax relief on the cost of employing a person to take care of:

  1. yourself, your family member, spouse or civil partner who is totally incapacitated due to physical or mental infirmity
  2. your relative, or a relative of your spouse or civil partner, who is totally incapacitated due to physical or mental infirmity.

Revenue also allows payments to voluntary organisation such as Alzeimhers Ireland and commercial home care service providers

The deduction is allowed at the individual’s marginal rate of income tax. For example if your last euro of earnings is being taxed at 40%, then the tax relief per €100 is €40.

You may claim relief on whichever is the lower of:

  1. the actual cost of employing a carer
  2. €75,000 per each incapacitated person.

If shared between family members, then the maximum amount cannot be greater than €75,000

Any queries on the above, give us a call on 091 763817 or email me at



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