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Tax Returns - Oliver Niland Chartered Accountant & Tax Specialist - Galway Ireland

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What property is exempt from LPT ?

What property is exempt from LPT ?

What properties are exempt from local property tax ?

  1. Properties purchased in 2013 are exempt until the end of 2019 if used as your sole or main residence. If the property is subsequently sold or ceases to be your main residence between 2013 and 2019, the exemption no longer applies.
  2. Properties that were self-built between 1 January and 1 May 2013 are exempt until the end of 2019 if used as your sole or main residence. If the property is subsequently sold, the exemption no longer applies.
  3. Properties that are self-built after 1 May 2013 and before 1 November 2019 are not liable for LPT until 2019 (even if sold again in that period).
  4. New and previously unused properties purchased from a builder or developer between 1 January 2013 and 31 October 2019 are exempt until the end of 2019 (even if sold again in that period).
  5. Residential properties constructed and owned by a builder or developer that remain unsold and have not yet been used as dwellings (known as trading stock).
  6. Certain properties situated in unfinished housing estates (commonly called “ghost estates”) specified in the Finance (Local Property Tax) Regulations 2013.
  7. Properties certified as having a significant level of pyrite damage. The exemption for properties that have significant pyritic damage was extended by the Finance (Local Property Tax) (Amendment) Act 2015. This exemption applies to residential properties that have been shown to have a significant level of pyrite damage. In these cases, the properties will be exempt for approximately 6 years. You can read the detailed guidelines on
  8. Residential properties owned by a charity or a public body and used to provide accommodation and support for people who have a particular need in addition to a general housing need to enable them to live in the community (for example, sheltered housing for the elderly or people with disabilities).
  9. Registered nursing homes.
  10. Properties vacated by their owners due to illness. This exemption applies to a property which was occupied by a person as his or her sole or main residence and has been vacated by the person for 12 months or more due to long-term mental or physical infirmity.
  11. Mobile homes, vehicles or vessels.
  12. Property fully subject to commercial rates.
  13. Diplomatic property.
  14. Properties used by charitable bodies as residential accommodation in connection with recreational activities that are an integral part of the body’s charitable purpose such as guiding and scouting activities.
  15. Property purchased, built or adapted to make it suitable for occupation by a permanently and totally incapacitated individual as their sole or main residence. on Local Property Tax Relief for Disabled/Incapacitated Individuals (pdf).

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