
Accounts board - Oliver Niland Chartered Accountant & Tax Specialist Galway Ireland

Tax Returns

Tax Returns - Oliver Niland Chartered Accountant & Tax Specialist - Galway Ireland

Start up/ New Business

Starting a new business - Start your own business - Oliver Niland Chartered Accountant  & Tax Specialist Galway Ireland

Employing a person to take care of an incapacitated person

Employing a person to take care of an incapacitated person

Employing a person or agency to take care of an incapacitated person

Where you employ a person to care for a family member or relative who is totally physically or mentally incapacitated, you can claim an allowance of the amount of expenses actually incurred in employing that person subject to a maximum of €75,000.

In order to claim this allowance, you have to register as an employer and operate PAYE/PRSI and USC on the payments.

Any amount recoverable from HSE, in respect of the cost of employing a carer does not qualify for tax relief

Any queries on same give me a call on 091 763817 or email me at

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